SPUC  3.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CSPUC::a_dAn A/D conversion class
 CSPUC::Abs_Func< A_ >Template functions to use in Compile-time Template Parameters : Absolute Value
 CSPUC::agcThis is a simple sigma-delta type AGC for the variable rate QPSK example
 CSPUC::allpass< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for allpass filter consisting of several stages of 1st order allpass sections
 CSPUC::allpass_1< Numeric, Coeff >Template class for 1st order allpass filter with programmble gain and delay
 CSPUC::allpass_1< Numeric >
 CSPUC::allpass_1< SPUC::complex< CNumeric >, Coeff >
 CSPUC::allpass_1aq1The filter is a "first-order" Allpass section
 CSPUC::allpass_1aq2The filter is a "first-order" Allpass section
 CSPUC::allpass_2nd< Numeric, Coeff >Template for 2nd order allpass filter
 CSPUC::array< T >General array class
 CSPUC::array1d< T >
 CSPUC::array2d< T >
 CSPUC::base_demod< Numeric >Base class for a demodulator (not currently used?)
 CSPUC::base_type< T >Determine base class for complex, builtin, sint, etc, classes
 CSPUC::base_type< builtin< T > >
 CSPUC::base_type< complex< T > >
 CSPUC::base_type< Numeric >
 CSPUC::baud_eq_env< Numeric >Class for doing a simulation of an equalizer running at 1 sample/symbol
 CSPUC::bit_scramblerData scrambler
 CSPUC::bpe< Numeric, Coeff >Block Phase Estimator
 CSPUC::bpsk_ber_testA Class for simulating a BPSK system
 CSPUC::builtin< T >Wrapper around built-in types to allow custom manipulations
 CSPUC::carrier_ncoA specialization example of a sin/cosine look-up NCO
 CSPUC::cascaded_cic< Numeric >
 CSPUC::cic< Numeric >Class for CIC digital filter
 CSPUC::circ_buffer< T >Circular Buffer
 CSPUC::circ_buffer< Numeric >
 CSPUC::circ_buffer< SPUC::complex< CNumeric > >
 CSPUC::complex< T >Spuc template complex class
 CSPUC::complex< CNumeric >
 CSPUC::complex< double >
 CSPUC::complex< float_type >
 CSPUC::complex< long >
 CSPUC::conjr< T >
 CSPUC::conjr< complex< T > >
 CSPUC::convolutional_interleaver< T >
 CSPUC::cordic< Numeric >Cordic rotator
 CSPUC::cordic< CNumeric >
 CSPUC::cutboost< Numeric, Coeff >IIR structure that can cut or boost signals at a programmed frequency
 CSPUC::data_conv_encoderConvolutional encoder for punctured encoding
 CSPUC::delay< Numeric >Template class for Delay line
 CSPUC::delay< SPUC::complex< CNumeric > >
 CSPUC::delay< SPUC::complex< long > >
 CSPUC::delay< T >
 CSPUC::dqpskDifferential QPSK encoder/decoder
 CSPUC::dvb_conv_encoderDVB Convolution encode for rate 1/2
 CSPUC::farrow< Numeric >Template Class for Farrow implementation of a ploynomial interpolation using a FIR filter
 CSPUC::farrow< float_type >
 CSPUC::farrow_upsamplerUpsampler/interpolator using farrow structure
 CSPUC::fbool_nco< M, L >Template class for a NCO based on template unsigned int class
 CSPUC::fir< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for Modeling a Finite Impulse Response filter
 CSPUC::fir< Numeric, Numeric >
 CSPUC::fir< SPUC::complex< CNumeric >, float_type >
 CSPUC::fir< SPUC::complex< CNumeric >, long >
 CSPUC::fir< SPUC::complex< CNumeric >, Numeric >
 CSPUC::fir< SPUC::complex< float_type >, float_type >
 CSPUC::fir< SPUC::complex< float_type >, SPUC::complex< float_type > >
 CSPUC::fir_coeff< Numeric >Template Class for Modeling a Finite Impulse Response filter
 CSPUC::fixed_delay< Numeric, D >Template class for Delay line with Fixed Delay
 CSPUC::fnco< M >Template class for a NCO based on template unsigned int class
 CSPUC::fundtype< T >Determine fundamental type when using builtin template
 CSPUC::fundtype< builtin< T > >
 CSPUC::hash_map< T >Class that implements a hash map with string key
 CSPUC::iir< Numeric, Coeff >Tempate Class for iir filter
 CSPUC::iir_1st< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for 1st Order iir filter
 CSPUC::iir_2nd< Numeric, Coeff >Template for 2nd Order IIR filter
 CSPUC::iir_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for IIR Filter using 2 1st order sections
 CSPUC::iir_allpass1_cascade< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for iir filter consisting of 1st order allpass sections
 CSPUC::iir_allpass1_halfband< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for Allpass halfband IIR Filter
 CSPUC::iir_allpass1_halfband< Numeric >
 CSPUC::iir_allpass1_halfband< SPUC::complex< CNumeric > >
 CSPUC::iir_allpass2< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for IIR filter using sum of 2nd Order Allpass sections
 CSPUC::iir_allpass_variable_cascade< Numeric, Coeff >
 CSPUC::iir_coeffClass for iir filter design
 CSPUC::iir_comb< Numeric, Coeff >Template for IIR comb type filter with programmable delay and gain
 CSPUC::iir_delay_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for IIR filter consisting of 2 1st Order Allpass sections
 CSPUC::iir_df< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for Modeling a Direct Form IIR
 CSPUC::iir_exp1< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for 1st Order lowpass iir filter
 CSPUC::iir_hpf< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for 1st Order high pass IIR filter from S-domain transformation
 CSPUC::iir_hpf1< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for 1st Order High-pass iir filter
 CSPUC::iir_lpf1< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for 1st Order lowpass iir filter
 CSPUC::iir_shelf< Numeric, Coeff >
 CSPUC::int_size_needed< S_ >
 CSPUC::int_type_size< S_ >Use Template parameter to select int type, default is error, should go to one of the specializations below
 CSPUC::int_type_size< 128 >
 CSPUC::int_type_size< 16 >Specialization for 16 bits
 CSPUC::int_type_size< 32 >Specialization for 32 bits
 CSPUC::int_type_size< 64 >Specialization for 64 bits
 CSPUC::int_type_size< 8 >Specialization for 8 bits
 CSPUC::int_type_size< NEXT_INT_SIZE< I_ >::val >
 CSPUC::int_type_size< NEXT_INT_SIZE< S_ >::val >
 CSPUC::lagrange< Numeric, Coeff >Template Lagrange interpolation via FIR Fitler
 CSPUC::lagrange< Numeric >
 CSPUC::lagrange< SPUC::complex< CNumeric > >
 CSPUC::lagrange< SPUC::complex< float_type > >
 CSPUC::lms_dfe< Numeric, Coeff >Template Class for LMS Decision Feedback equalizer
 CSPUC::loop_filter< Numeric, Coeff >Loop Filter for use in PLL circuits
 CSPUC::loop_filter< Numeric >
 CSPUC::magsqr< T >
 CSPUC::magsqr< complex< T > >
 CSPUC::matrix< T >
 CSPUC::matrix< Numeric >
 CSPUC::max_pnMaximal Length Pseudorandom sequence generator
 CSPUC::mixed_type< T, D >Determine resultant type when mixing two types in math operations
 CSPUC::mle< Numeric >A Configurable Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimator Class
 CSPUC::ncoNCO with 32 bit accumulator
 CSPUC::nested_allpass_1< Numeric, Coeff >
 CSPUC::nested_iir_allpass_2< Numeric, Coeff >
 CSPUC::nested_iir_allpass_tmp< Numeric, Coeff >
 CSPUC::nested_shelf_allpass_2< Numeric, Coeff >
 CSPUC::NEXT_INT_SIZE< N_VAL >For mapping to minimum integer type size
 CSPUC::noiseGaussian noise routine
 CSPUC::notch_allpass< Numeric, Coeff >IIR notch filter based on 2nd order allpass structure
 CSPUC::notch_comb< Numeric, Coeff >
 CSPUC::notch_iir< Numeric, Coeff >IIR notch filter based on 2nd order biquad
 CSPUC::ofdm_data_encoderOFDM/802.11A/G Data Encoder
 CSPUC::qam_conv_decoderQAM convolutional decoder
 CSPUC::qam_modQAM Modulator for BPSK - 64 QAM for 802.11A Data modulation
 CSPUC::qam_tx< Numeric >Class for QAM transmitter using a root raised cosine transmit filter
 CSPUC::qam_tx< float_type >
 CSPUC::qnoise< Numeric >Class to add quantization noise to signal
 CSPUC::qnoise< complex< T > >
 CSPUC::qpsk< Numeric >A QPSK receiver that can operate at exactly 2 samples/symbol
 CSPUC::qpsk_ber_testA Class for doing BER test on QPSK
 CSPUC::qpsk_discriminatorsA Class incorporating several symbol and carrier discriminators for QPSK
 CSPUC::qpsk_variable< Numeric >A QPSK receiver that can operate over a range of non-integer sampling rates
 CSPUC::quad_data< Numeric >Class for QPSK data using a root raised cosine transmit filter
 CSPUC::quad_data< float_type >
 CSPUC::quantiser< Numeric >.......
 CSPUC::quantiser< Coeff >
 CSPUC::quantiser< SPUC::complex< CNumeric > >
 CSPUC::quantiser< SPUC::complex< float_type > >
 CSPUC::quantized_type< T >Determine quantized version of particular type, i.e complex<double> -> complex<long>, etc
 CSPUC::quantized_type< complex< T > >
 CSPUC::quantizer< Numeric >
 CSPUC::quantizer< complex< T > >
 CSPUC::remez_firTemplate Remez_fir class
 CSPUC::resampler< Numeric >A resampling block using interpolator, halfband filter and NCO
 CSPUC::resampler< SPUC::complex< CNumeric > >
 CSPUC::rls< Numeric >Recursive Least Squares Algorithm
 CSPUC::rounder< Numeric >
 CSPUC::rounder< complex< T > >
 CSPUC::running_average< Numeric >Template class running average filter consisting of a delay line, adder and subtractor
 CSPUC::running_sum< Numeric >Template class running average filter consisting of a delay line, adder and subtractor
 CSPUC::rv_statBasic random Variable Statistics Class
 CSPUC::saturater< Numeric >
 CSPUC::saturater< complex< T > >
 CSPUC::scic< Numeric >Implementation for sharped cascaded integrator comb filter
 CSPUC::shelf_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >IIR zolzer filter based on 2nd order allpass structure
 CSPUC::sigma_deltaSimple 1st order All-digital Sigma Delta converter
 CSPUC::signbitr< T >
 CSPUC::signbitr< complex< T > >
 CSPUC::sim_qam< Numeric >A Class for simulating a QAM system
 CSPUC::sim_qpsk< Numeric >A Class for simulating a QPSK system that includes
 CSPUC::sim_qpsk_variable< Numeric >A Class for simulating a variable rate QPSK system
 CSPUC::SMask< A_ >
 CSPUC::spuc_fixed< TOTAL_BITS_, INT_BITS_, SPUC_Q_MODE_, SPUC_O_MODE_ >A fast & lightweight fixed-point class
 CSPUC::spuc_int< I_ >A faster version of the older systemc spuc_int
 CSPUC::spuc_round_class_function< Q_ >
 CSPUC::spuc_round_class_function< SPUC_RND >
 CSPUC::spuc_round_class_function< SPUC_TRN >Specialization for SPUC_TRN
 CSPUC::spuc_saturate_class_function< TOTAL_BITS_, SPUC_O_MODE_ >
 CSPUC::spuc_saturate_class_function< TOTAL_BITS_, SPUC_SAT >Specialized for SPUC_SAT
 CSPUC::spuc_saturate_class_function< TOTAL_BITS_, SPUC_SAT_SYM >Specialized for SPUC_SAT_SYM
 CSPUC::spuc_shift_class_function< FRAC_BITS_, Q_ >
 CSPUC::spuc_shift_class_function< FRAC_BITS_, SPUC_RND >Specialize for SPUC_RND shift return type one extra bit to avoid overflow,
 CSPUC::spuc_shift_class_function< FRAC_BITS_, SPUC_TRN >Specialize for SPUC_TRN shift return type one extra bit to avoid overflow,
 CSPUC::spuc_ufixed< TOTAL_BITS_, INT_BITS_, SPUC_Q_MODE_, SPUC_O_MODE_ >A fast & lightweight fixed-point class
 CSPUC::spuc_uint< I_ >A faster version of the older systemc spuc_uint
 CSPUC::sum_and_dump< Numeric >Sum and dump filter
 CSPUC::sum_and_dump< CNumeric >
 CSPUC::Template_Max< A_, B_ >Max compile time calculation
 CSPUC::Template_Max_Total_Bits< T_, I_, T1_, I1_ >Max Total Bits for spuc_fixed based on Max of two different spuc_fixed
 CSPUC::timing_ncoA NCO for symbol recovery in a variable rate QPSK receiver
 CSPUC::UMask< A_ >
 CSPUC::unquantized_mixed_type< T, D >Determine type to use when mixing two types
 CSPUC::unquantized_mixed_type< complex< T >, D >
 CSPUC::unquantized_mixed_type< Numeric, Coeff >
 CSPUC::unquantized_mixed_type< T, complex< D > >
 CSPUC::unquantized_type< T >Determine unquantized version of particular type, i.e complex<long> -> complex<double>, etc
 CSPUC::unquantized_type< complex< T > >
 CSPUC::vco< Numeric >Voltage controlled oscillator with complex output
 CSPUC::vco< float_type >
 CSPUC::vector< T >
 CSPUC::vector< Numeric >
 CSPUC::viterbiA Viterbi decoder (for DVB)
 CSPUC::vlogLogarithmic number system class