SPUC  3.0
SPUC::shelf_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SPUC::shelf_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >, including all inherited members.

apSPUC::shelf_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >
clock(Numeric x)SPUC::shelf_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >inline
high_boostSPUC::shelf_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >
high_gainSPUC::shelf_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >
low_gainSPUC::shelf_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >
reset()SPUC::shelf_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >inline
set_coeffs(float_type fc, float_type low_g_db, float_type high_g_db)SPUC::shelf_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >inline
shelf_allpass1()SPUC::shelf_allpass1< Numeric, Coeff >inline